19:00 Thursday, 04 July 2019

Tech Workers Coalition Berlin

Tech Workers have a lot of potential power to change society. Anyone who identifies as a tech worker and is interested in learning how to build collective power or get involved in a campaign is welcome. Tech Workers are currently organising against gender pay gaps, workplace harassment, surveillance technologies, amongst other things.

The second meeting of Tech Workers Coalition Berlin


Bilgisaray, Oranienstrasse 45, Berlin


Bilgisaray is a smoke-free environment. Children are welcome. Unfortunately, it is not wheelchair accessible. We will try to ensure that future venue spaces are accessible.


  • 19:00 - People arrive, write name tags and icebreaker during introductions
  • 19:15 - Announcements about tasks which require help. (Website, social media, facilitation, venues etc..)
  • 19:20 - a short presentation (different from previous time) by Yonatan Miller on past Tech Workers Coalition campaigns
  • 19:30 - Announcement about new Berlin Learning Club
  • 19:40 - Interactive breakout session to figure out what tech/social issues are personally important to you
  • 19:55 - Group report back and discussion
  • 20:00 - Second breakout session to figure out what new/existing campaigns we can get involved in
  • 20:30 - Thirty minutes to wrap up and figure out the next steps and any action items
  • 21:00 - Go home with some resources, contacts and feeling inspired! 💪🏼💪🏽💪🏾💪🏿


Twitter: @TechWorkersBER

Tech Workers Coalition Facebook


15 people showed up

Discussion on TWC Structures

  • How do we get people to organize?
  • What will the organizational structure look like?
  • Will we use working groups?
  • Maintain a visual organization chart?

Ideas for TWC

  • Working towards pay transparency
  • Fighting political isolation in the workplace
  • TWC learning group
  • Supporting creation of tech worker collectives or cooperatives
  • Provide legal advice
  • Gain ability to choose which on which projects and teams one works including environmental responsibility in companies’ management
  • Fight hour tracking on the job (EU changes may require it)
  • Discussing workers’ middle class identities vs. worker identity
  • Alternatives to Ver.di and other big unions
  • Critical Workers’ overview: Organization focuses on precarious workers, has supported workers after the booking.com layoffs and supported the DeliverUnion campaign, and provides monthly legal counseling.

Code of Conduct

All meetings and communications are covered under the Berlin Code of Conduct. The privacy and safety of our members is important to us. Sharing the identity of members and or taking/sharing photos are strictly forbidden unless express consent is given.

Get involved! @TechWorkersBER