19:00 Monday, 26 October 2020

There are alternatives to the classic managerial company: Coops and Syndicates.

Owned and managed by the people who work there, coops offer an alternative model to the founding of a top-down company, dominated by a small group of executives or by the demands of investors.

With widely available digital tools, tech and game workers are in the unique position to come together and create their own enterprises.

This talk by Magdalena Ziomek aims to provide an introduction for tech workers and game developers interested in the creation of their own coops. Magdalena Ziomek will talk about her own coop, SMartDe and her experiences with building and leading such an enterprise. Created as a “platform coop”, SMartDe offers a cooperative alternative to the gig economy. Founded 1998 in Belgium, it acts as an employer for freelancers who can thus leverage benefits that are usually reserved for non-freelance workers, offering flexible and self-determined work schedules instead of precarious freelance jobs.

Presented in collaboration with Berlin Tech Workers Coalition and Game Workers Unite Germany.

The talk will be held in English.

Facebook event SMartDe Game Workers Unite Germany.


The event will be held over Zoom, a video conferencing platform. You can use Zoom with your desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

Download Zoom or telephone in.

Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/88330636586

Meeting ID: 883 3063 6586

You need an internet connection and speakers to listen, and a microphone (and optionally camera) to participate. You can also join the conversation via the (written) chat. There is also an option to call in using your phone line for audio-only participation as shown below:

Tap your preferred telephone country to call in:

There will be a brief presentation with static slides, but most of the event will be audio-based discussion in English.

If you would like to know more, check out Zoom’s documentation on their accessibility features or reach out to us at accessibility@techworkersberlin.com.

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All meetings and communications are covered under the Berlin Code of Conduct. The privacy and safety of our members is important to us. Sharing the identity of members and or taking/sharing photos are strictly forbidden unless express consent is given.

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