๐ฐ Online General Meeting #31
19:30 Thursday, 15 April 2021
Our monthly online general meeting via zoom.us or telephone. We normally host it on first day of the month, but this year itโs Easter Weekend.
All Tech and Non Tech Workers (๐งจ TNT) are welcome, including people outside of Berlin. The event will be held in English.
- 19:30 - Brief introduction for new folks
- 19:40 - Updates/announcements
- 19:50 - Reportback on past conferences/outreach initiatives
- 20:00 - Upcoming events
- 20:10 - Open discussion
The event will be held over Zoom, a video conferencing platform. You can use Zoom with your desktop, laptop, or mobile device.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83817260254?pwd=eVBha1RTRTVGQUcxcUIzKzRYR0dFQT09
- Meeting ID: 838 172 60254
- Password: organize
You need an internet connection and speakers to listen, and a microphone (and optionally camera) to participate. You can also join the conversation via the (written) chat. There is also an option to call in using your phone line for audio-only participation as shown below:
Tap your preferred telephone country to call in:
There will be a brief presentation with static slides, but most of the event will be audio-based discussion in English.
If you would like to know more, check out Zoomโs documentation on their accessibility features or reach out to us at accessibility@techworkersberlin.com.